Thursday, March 09, 2006

Front and back walls up

The front and back walls were up. We left early due beinbg attacked by thousands of knats! Bad, BAD!!!

March 7th, Constructing our first Shed

That afternoon we went with a team of 5 students from Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, NC to construct a shed for a family that lived about a mile back from the coast.

March 7th, Shed Construction Instruction

Time was spent learning how to construct the "Sheds of Hope"

March 6th, Meal Time

Meals are served in a large tent

March 6th, Camp Site

Monday, March 6th. Signs of the Devestation

The highway signs suggested something bad happened here.


We had a great time in Atlanta with Tom, Martha, and Melody our 10 month old grandaughter (Feb 25 to March 5).